I've noticed a trend on social networking over the past couple of months that is solely based on dream men for young women. The popular hashtags "#ifwedate", "#dearfutureboyfriend" and other of its kind are being hashtagged to the point where I would consider it an epidemic and what it is doing more than alerting your future significant other of your wishes is destroying the chances of you ever being totally happy with the guy you're with.
Your expectations are substantially too high. You are retweeting and obsessing over the pictures and stories of cute things that a guy has done for his girl, and letting any guy you date in the future know that those types of things are what you are looking for from him. Here's the problem, ladies. You are basing the quality of the guy you're with based on one quality from about 50 different guys. You see a photo of a guy who had his proposal video taped, and you want that. You read a story about a guy who cried when his woman came down the aisle, and you want that. You see photos of multiple different guys doing cute and spontaneous different things for multiple different girls but they expect your ONE guy to do every single one of those things for you. It isn't wrong for you to want your boyfriend to surprise you with flowers sometimes, but it is wrong to want him to bring you flowers every day, send you a cute text every morning, tell every single person he knows how wonderful you are, #wcw you every Wednesday, take you out to dinner every weekend, write you songs, dance with you in the rain and all of the other cheesy things that girls tend to believe merit the value of the relationship. You are setting your standards too high and in the end, it will lead to disappointment.
These accounts that dedicate themselves to showing you the "perfect boy" are, in a way, like the airbrushed pictures of women that are edited and altered to "perfection". A guy looks at the picture and wants a woman as beautiful and sexy as she is, although beauty like hers is unattainable because it is fabricated. THE PERFECT BOY IS FABRICATED, TOO! A man with every single trait that girls so desperately want is completely unattainable. This is why you are friend-zoning perfect guys. It's not because you're nice, boys, it's because you're not able to become a guy that has been labeled as "perfect" by twitter accounts and romantic comedies. You can be the nicest, best looking, sweetest guy there is but if you don't send an "I know you're asleep, but..." text and record your proposal and play it at your wedding, you aren't good enough.
Ladies, let him woo you in his own way. Stop creating a fake, impossible version of your "perfect guy" based on the thousands of nice things other guys have done for other girls. Let him show you that he doesn't have to be created out of cliches in order to be a great guy. Because right now, because of the copious amount of standards you're setting potential suitors to, you're not going to find one that meets the standards, and you're going to end up disappointed. I'm not saying set your standards low, but I'm saying don't set them so high that they're impossible to reach. I promise you, if you repeatedly get mad at your man for not being the "perfect" man you had in mind, or constantly ask him to do the things you see on the internet, it isn't going to last. Spontaneity shouldn't be scripted. He shouldn't surprise you with flowers because you told him to. If he surprises you, it should be because he wants to.
What these standards and lists of things "perfect boyfriends would do" are doing is not letting women appreciate a guy for just being a guy. If your boyfriend isn't nice to you, never lets him know how he feels and never does anything sweet for you, get rid of him. That should be below your standards. But you shouldn't get rid of him because he didn't write you 365 letters like Noah did, or send you an incredibly cheesy text message to wake up EVERY MORNING like someone else's boyfriend did. You can't base what you want off of what you've seen other people have, you need to let YOUR relationship be YOUR relationship and YOUR boyfriend's qualities be YOUR boyfriend's qualities, not the qualities of other people's boyfriends that you found on the internet. If you expect him to surprise you every single day, you won't actually be surprised when he does. Don't expect him to do anything except for be sweet, gentle and kind to you so when he actually does something worthy of tweeting or telling your friends about, you're actually genuinely surprised.
What you need to do is realize that no relationship and no man is ever going to be flawless. Hashtagging and retweeting things you want isn't going to make that happen. Once you realize that and bring your expectations down a couple of notches, you will be pleasantly surprised. If your expectations are on the highest level they can go, there is no way for a man to go above and beyond. Bring it down, and give him room to go above and beyond for you. I can guarantee once your impossible standards are brought down, your overall happiness in your relationship or future relationships will go up.