2.) You have grown used to random loud noises out of nowhere, due to the tri-monthly fire drills from shop accidents.
3.) You have considered yourself "rebellious" for wearing leggings to school.
4.) You have to hesitate a second before addressing Mr. Felkey to avoid accidentally slipping and calling him "Flanders" or "Felk-dog".
5.) You've learned to embed yourself into a sea of people at school dances so you don't get suspended for putting your hands on your knees.
6.) You've sustained some fairly serious injuries from aggressively pushing people around during drumline.
7.) "John Lankford" is no longer just a person, but a genre of dance.
8.) You know you can get sent home and receive a detention for your shoulders showing but a kid can take his shirt off and hump the floor to Miley Cyrus in front of the entire school and receive no punishment.
9.) The words "Fulford" and "aliens" go hand in hand, no questions asked.
10.) You have a crush on someone with the last name of Ruark, either the teacher or the councelor depending on your gender and sexual orientation.
11.) You can pretend all you want, if you didn't go to Souders you kind of wish you did. (Maybe a little biased, but no.)
12.) The epitome of your road rage happens within the parking lot of the high school.
13.) You could need a personal sized fan to prevent you from sweating through your shirt and a snowsuit to prevent frostbite in the same day depending on where you're at in the school.
14.) If the basement doesn't smell like formaldehyde, it smells bad in an entirely different way that you can't even place.
15.) You have wondered on more than one occasion if it's even sanitary to drink the water from the drinking fountain.
16.) The science lab in the basement, aka the smallest computer lab in the world, was one of the most dreaded places for your class to travel.
17.) You move more stealthily past the teacher on lunch line duty to exceed the 5 person limit than you would had you just robbed a bank.
18.) You have used every piece of furniture (booth, chair, couch) in the library as a bed at some point or another.
19.) It doesn't matter if your football team wins or loses every game, you'll still paint your entire body and cheer like hell.
20.) No matter how much you complain about it, you wouldn't have rather recieved your diploma from any other place.