Sunday, January 12, 2014

An Open Letter to Yourself

  You always get screwed over. You're nice and you let people take advantage of that. You give out second and third chances because you believe people can change, even when they repeatedly prove to you that they don't. You expect everyone to look at life and love the same way you do, and you expect people to do things you would do for them. Your standards aren't even incredibly high but you always pick people who barely reach them. You promise yourself you won't get attached and you inevitably do, and then you get hurt. But you won't lose your trust.

   You get knocked down, a lot. You're chosen as a second option, or completely left behind. Not for any reason other than someone else is better. It's not that you are a bad person, but someone's got you beat. They're prettier, they're funnier, they're better. You try and try but for some reason, you just can't win. But you won't lose your ability to try again.

    "You're not pretty enough," you tell yourself. "You just aren't worthy of them." You start to bring yourself down in order to justify, when in reality, they're not worthy of you. But right when it happens, you can't tell yourself that. You're stuck in a pit of self pity. You don't think you're good enough. But you are. And you won't lose your sense of self worth.

    The bottom line is that you can't be everyone's cup of tea. You can't be the perfect girl you so desire to be for every boy you meet. Putting yourself out there means getting hurt, but it also means getting stronger. You have decided you're not going to be one of those girls who can't be with someone because someone else took away her trust in the male population. Anyone who isn't able to see all of the beauty within you doesn't deserve to jeopardize any future relationships with someone who will. So keep trusting. Keep trying. And keep being the person you are, because one day, it will be the person someone is looking for.

    One day, someone will remind you that you're good enough. They will remind you that you're wonderful. They will remind you that you are worthy of love. Keep going. One day, someone is going to love you for every quirk you have. They will accept you for every flaw. They will want to explore every nook and cranny of your mind and desire to fall in love with you more and more each day. But before that can happen, you have to do those things for yourself. You must know you are good enough. You must know how wonderful you are. You must know that you are worthy to love and to be loved. You have to love the quirks you have, and accept your flaws. You have to explore your mind, and love yourself for what you find there. You can't expect someone else to love you if you can't even love yourself. And there's no reason not to.

   I know someone may have told you differently, but you are incredible. I know someone may have tried to hold you back, but you will be successful. I know it seems hopeless now, but you will be happy. I know it may seem impossible, but you will love the person you will become. I know that the relationships you have endured have shown differently, but you will find someone. And I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you will be okay.

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