Monday, April 28, 2014


Your body has walked through the toughest of times, battered by the apathetic mystery of life. It has held the hands of people who didn't deserve to trace the pattern of your palms, and held tightly people who didn't deserve to feel the warmth of your skin. It has fallen, it has gotten back up, it has broken and it has healed. But despite all of that, there's a person out there who will touch the skin that blankets your bones and make your insides light up like the Fourth of July.

Your heart has broken into a million pieces, shaken by the cruelty and unfortunate fate of other people. It has beat through even on the days you felt it would crumble beneath the unbeatable weight inside of it. But despite that, there is someone who carefully picks up the shattered pieces and makes it some semblance of whole again.

Your mind is a battlefield, filled with thoughts you believe no one else has had and ever will have. Your head might be torn between beliefs and theories never entertained that seem beautifully absurd. But one day someone will kiss it and twist their fingers through the hair on top of it.

And that makes me happy to be alive. 

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